== Sînziana Păltineanu ==




/ The interactive fiction “Thunder and lightning” is also available as a 48-page booklet (typeset with LaTeX, DIY press)

/ “The colostrum chant”, a collage-text published in These Accents

/ “Linked sentences”, collages published in Second Factory, issue number 6 (Ugly Duckling Presse)


/ “Manifesto” in Rheim Alkadhi’s Majnoon Field Guide (Archive Books)

/ “degrees”, stadtsprachen magazin

/ Locomotion traces with Paper View Books (booklet)

/ “Thunder and lightning. Records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year”, a multilingual interactive fiction crafted with Twine for the ONB Labs Artspace

/ Web Residency at ONB Labs (Jurors: Seth Weiner and Heike Fiedler) for crafting an interactive fiction based on the digitized issues of “Wiener Zeitung” (1704-1881)

/ Surreal Winter Recordings with Paper View Books (booklet)

/ “Parthenogenesis” in A Throw of Dice, Taper #6 (a computational poem of less than 2KB of HTML5)

/ “Disruptions”, a collaboration with photographer Allison V. Smith on 7x7

/ Short-listed for the Web Residencies Post-Doom at Akademie Schloss Solitude (Juror: Johanna Hedva), with the project {Valleys of wind}

/ “days_2020_days”, The Feminist Library Zine - Care in a Pandemic, p. 39

/ “personal infrastructure”, stadtsprachen magazin

/ Fellow at the New Alphabet School, #2 Situating, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin