== Sînziana Păltineanu ==


Sînziana Păltineanu is a Berlin-based writer, researcher and artist, experimenting at the queer+feminist crossings of fiction and history, writing and drawing, as well as in the field of digital literature. As an exophonic writer, Sînziana seeks to craft a deviant use of the English language. Recent projects include a multilingual piece of interactive fiction (“Thunder and lightning. Records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year”) and two booklets with texts, drawings and maps (“Surreal winter recordings” and “Locomotion traces”). Read more...


(Selected) INTERACTIVE FICTION [EN-RO-DE] / “Thunder and lightning. Records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year”, ONB Labs Artspace  / Read about “Thunder and lightning” in this article by Martin Krickl and Sophie Hammer, Kunst in/aus Bibliotheken (CC-BY 4.0)  / Available also in print (upon request) BOOKLETS [EN] / Locomotion traces (Paper View Books) / Surreal Winter Recordings (Paper View Books) TEXT COLLAGES Read more...


PRESENT FUTURE / “The colostrum chant”, a collage-text published in These Accents / “Linked sentences”, collages published in Second Factory, issue number 6 (Ugly Duckling Presse) / “Manifesto” in Rheim Alkadhi’s Majnoon Field Guide (Archive Books) RECENT PAST / “degrees”, stadtsprachen magazin / Locomotion traces with Paper View Books (booklet) / “Thunder and lightning. Records of a passing snowstorm on the first Wednesday of the New Year”, a multilingual interactive fiction crafted with Twine for the ONB Labs Artspace Read more...


Feel free to contact me at: s.paltineanu@posteo.com
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